1999 Tania first visited Koroni and became a windsurfing and sailing instructor

Biochar instead of ashBiochar instead of ash
Dear Koroni Community,“Terra Preta” is one of the best organic fertilizers in the world, it improves the soil/humus and supports the health of our olive trees – despite drought and

Visit of the young people from “LYSOs Herb Garden” in KoroniVisit of the young people from “LYSOs Herb Garden” in Koroni
on June 16 we had the pleasant visit of young people from the project “LYSOs Herb garden. Gardening for Young People with increased need of assistance in West Mani, Messinias-
We’re looking forward to meet volunteers who love nature. I’ll welcome you in a 4.000 m² organic olive field in Koroni – Kalamata on the Peloponnese in Greece. We’re active
What really mattersWhat really matters
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. by Oriah